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SSJW sealed miniature micromove switch > Micro S/W (Qiaoh)

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SSJW sealed miniature micromove switch

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  • SSJW sealed miniature micromove switch
  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    SSJW sealed miniature micromove switch
    The structure of sealed miniature micro switch can be interchanged with SS-J series
    ■by sealing structure of rubber gasket to achieve dustproof and waterproof general (IEC IP67).
    ■a movable piece for a single page type structure can correspond to AC250V, 3A to open and close, there was a small load type.;
    ■In the terminal, #110 insert terminals, terminals and other various types of printed circuit board.

    Model naming rules
    ①Structure No: waterproof (IP67) -P: non waterproof (IP40)②Rated value 3:AC250V 2A01:DC30V 0.1A③Driving rod is unmarked: needle shaped button type L1: pendulum type L2: ball pendulum type L3:R shaped pendulum type④Unmarked contact specifications: Ic (double cast) -2:Ib (often closed / guided line) -3:Ia (often open type.)⑤Terminal specification H: terminal T: terminal type (#110) D: terminal (unequidistant) B for printed substrate: terminal (equidistance) for printed substrate

    Shape size (unit: mm) / action characteristics

    The case and drawing are the terminals. For details of terminals (#10) and printed baseboard terminals, please refer to the above「■Type / shape - Terminal - filled terminal symbol」

    ■type SSJW3 - needle button, SSJW01 fortieth

    The action characteristics of model SSJW2 - SSJW01 - OF **RF small action force restoring force 1.8N0.2N pre stroke stroke stroke PT **OT response MD**0.6mm0.4mm0.15mm OP8.4 + 0.3mm small action position

    ■Pendulum type SSJW3L1 and SSJW01L1

    The action characteristics of model SSJW-P3L1 - SSJW-P01L1 - OF **RF small action force restoring force 0.6N0.05N stroke response difference stroke OT MD + 0.8mm **0.8mm0.8mm13.6mm8.8 small FP **OP position location

    ■R type pendulum type SSJW3L3 - and SSJW01L3 -

    The action characteristics of model SSJW-P2L3 - SSJW-P01L3 - OF **RF small action force restoring force 0.6N0.05N stroke response difference stroke OT MD + 0.8mm **0.8mm0.8mm15.5mm10.7 small FP **OP position location

    ■Ball pendulum type SSJW3L2 - and SSJW01L2 -

    The action characteristics of model SSJW-P3L2 - SSJW-P01L2 - OF **RF small action force restoring force 0.6N0.05N stroke response difference stroke OT MD + 0.9mm **0.8mm0.8mm19.3mm14.5.

    상품 정보 고시

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